Medical AI for the Future Webinar Summary: 5 Key Takeaways

Category: AI Insights

Published date: 30.06.2020

Read time: 5 min

Last week Kseniia Turovska, Head of Sales, and Anastasia Budkina, Project Manager for Medical Data Annotation, presented a webinar where they discussed the increased role of AI in healthcare. Since a lot of information was presented, we would like to zoom in on five key takeaways from the webinar.

Medical Imaging

1. AI Is Fundamentally Reshaping the Healthcare Industry

Thanks to all of the capabilities offered by AI, the level of care will be significantly increased. For starters, doctors will be able to diagnose illnesses faster and with greater efficiency. The machine learning algorithms will be able to analyze medical images and connect the dots much more efficiently, to identify diseases at earlier stages, thus opening the door for more treatment options and increasing survival rates. Today, doctors help train the ML algorithms by annotating medical images allowing the AI systems to analyze thousands and thousands of images without sacrificing the quality. In fact, the more images annotated, the more accurate the system becomes.


2. Properly Annotated Data Is the Foundation of Every Healthcare AI Project

During the webinar, a lot of interesting data was presented about the accuracy of AI in diagnosing illnesses. For example, AI has a 99% accuracy rate in diagnosing breast cancer. If we think about how the machine learning algorithms got so good, it is due to the quality of annotated data. Keep in mind all of the various types of data annotation that are required to properly train the system. These include 3D segmentation, tagging, polylines, and many other methods. It is very important that the overall accuracy of the data annotation is at the highest level so that the end product can properly analyze all of the medical images.

3. Radiologists Are Very Enthusiastic About What AI Brings to the Table

AI really complements the work performed by radiologists and it is a win-win for them and, most importantly, the patient. If we look back at the data from the webinar presentation, we see that 81% of radiologists expect AI to lower the medical errors caused by improperly reading the medical images. Furthermore, 79.3% of radiologists believe that AI will have a positive impact on their future practice. If we take a look at all of the benefits AI in healthcare has to offer, it is easy to see why medical professionals, in general, are so enthusiastic about all of the possibilities it offers and embracing AI in their practice.

4. Ukraine Has a Lot of Healthcare Talent to Offer

Some of the medical images that need to be annotated require very specific knowledge and very often only a medical professional with many years of experience can perform the job correctly. Ukraine has a lot of medical professionals who are qualified to perform such medical data annotation since there are more than 185,000 medical specialists, 50,000 medical institutions, and 64 medical universities and academies. There are a lot of specialists working in the field of radiology, oncology, mammalogy, and many other specializations within the healthcare field. With such a wide talent pool of medical professionals available, you are sure to find the right group of people to perform your data annotation.

5. Mindy Support Has Extensive Experience in Medical Data Annotation

Thanks to all of the experience we have accumulated over many years of actualizing medical data annotation projects, we are able to foresee and overcome virtually any hurdle along the way. During the webinar, we presented three very challenging cases that required finding and recruiting candidates with very specific knowledge and expertise. Not only were we able to assemble the teams, but we also performed all of the tasks in accordance with the annotation pace required by the client without sacrificing the quality. We have more than 1,500 data annotation specialists including more than 100 medical data annotation professionals and 50+ practitioners.

Trust Mindy Support to Actualize Your Project

One of the reasons Mindy Support was able to grow so quickly and become the largest BPO provider in Ukraine is because we get the job done right the first time and we never skimp on quality. We have a rigorous QA process in place to make sure that all of the tasks are done correctly thus saving you time and resources. While the labor costs in Ukraine might be higher than in other outsourcing destinations, ultimately you get what you pay for. Save yourself a lot of headaches and get all of your medical data annotated properly at the first time of asking.


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