Top 7 Benefits of Providing Omnichannel Customer Support

Category: Others

Published date: 24.05.2021

Read time: 8 min

Providing omnichannel customer support has become one of the most effective ways of ensuring customer retention and satisfaction. In fact, according to research done by the Aberdeen Group, companies that provide a consistent service quality across multiple channels retain 89% of their customers, whereas companies that do not provide a consistent quality are only able to retain 33%. There are many other reasons why you should take an omnichannel approach, which will be of mutual benefit to both you and your customers, but before we get into all of this, let’s first get a definition of omnichannel support so we are all on the same page. 

What is Omnichannel Support? 

A lot of people use the terms multichannel and omnichannel support interchangeably, but they are not exactly the same. Multichannel support is exactly what it sounds like i.e. you offer multiple channels through which a customer can contact you. Omnichannel support takes this to the next level and integrates all of the communication channels together. Not only can a customer choose the method of communication that is most convenient for initiating an interaction, but they can transition between different methods in the same interaction.

For example, let’s say that a customer contacted support via online chat, but they are experiencing difficulties resolving this problem via this particular channel. A customer service representative will then be able to call the customer to better resolve the issues they are experiencing. At Mindy Support, we try to provide such seamless experiences to every customer we interact with, which is why a lot of companies choose us. This is something that we will go into greater detail later on, but now that we know what omnichannel support is, let’s take a look at some of the benefits it offers.

1. You Will Be Able to Better Service to All Customer Segments 

Not every customer will consistently contact your business via e-mail or some other channel. For example, 63% of millennials prefer to have their basic customer support queries answered via a live chat widget vs. traditional channel while 28% of Gen Z started using in-app messaging more, compared to 12 percent of the 55+ crowd. Regardless of how you segment your customers, you will notice that they all have their own preferences of contacting support. That’s why you need to provide service in all kinds of channels to make it fast and convenient for everybody to get the help they need. However, all of this needs to be seamless, which brings us to the next section.

2. Provide Seamless Customer Support

When a customer submits an inquiry, regardless of which channel they are using, they are expecting a speedy resolution, with minimal effort required on their part. Omnichannel support allows your team to understand the situation better and come up with the right solution For example, if the customer is shopping for products inside your mobile app, they will have the option to contact support without having to navigate somewhere else. If you ask them to send you an email or make a phone call, this would be very inconvenient and you risk losing the customer. 

3. Omnichannel Support Increases Your Revenue 

We mentioned earlier that omnichannel support helps you retain customers, but this also increases your overall revenue as well. By increasing your customer retention by as little as 5% you are also increasing your revenue by 45%-95%. The reason for this is that repeat customers spend 35% more per purchase than first-time customers, and up to ten times more than one-time purchasers in lifetime spend. From this, we see the importance of retaining your customers and the impact this can have on your bottom line. Start offering omnichannel support today to reap all of these benefits for your business. 

4. Improved Agent Collaboration 

According to data from the Customer Experience Trends Report, 70% of customers want companies to collaborate on their behalf, and 68% would go as far as to say they are annoyed when their calls are transferred between departments. Omnichannel support allows you to improve collaboration between agents by allowing them to loop in other team members if they are experiencing difficulties, without having to leave the support ticket. This can be done via internal communication methods like Slack or email. This significantly streamlines communication and workflows by providing agents with greater context to provide top-quality support. 

5. All of the Customers’ Information is Available in One Place

Some of the most popular omnichannel support platforms allow you to integrate the various business apps you may be using. These include things like your CRM, the e-commerce platform, payment system, and many other things. This means that instead of having all of the customer data be scattered access all of these apps, they will be available to your agents right away. For example, if your customer is calling in about a problem they are experiencing submitting a payment, the agent will be able to see who the customer is, their contact information, and location. This also helps resolve the issue we talked about in the previous section, which was transferring an inquiry from one agent to another. 

6. It’s Easier to Collect Support Metrics 

It is always important to measure how well you are doing across all of the channels you are supporting, but without omnichannel support, you will have to assemble all of these metrics independently. Some of the tools you may be using may not offer the needed metrics out-of-the-box. One of the benefits of omnichannel support is that the platform you are using will be able to assemble all of the metrics in one place. Popular software like Freshdesk, CommBox, and many others offer metrics like CSAT scores, SLA compliance, and even their performance as a group.

7. Take a More Customer-Centric Approach 

One of the main goals of omnichannel support is to develop a single view of your customers, understand their relationship, and optimize their interactions for better customer service across all channels. For example, let’s say a customer contacts support about the sizing information for a pair of jeans. The agents will be able to see the customer’s profile and their purchase history to help the customer identify the right fit for a pair of jeans because jeans shopping is hard enough as it is.

Trust Mindy Support to Provide You With All of the Benefits of Omnichannel Support 

We mentioned some of the main benefits of omnichannel support, but in order to realize them, you will need to partner with a trusted and experienced service provider. Mindy Support is one of the largest BPO providers in Eastern Europe with more than 2,000 employees in six locations all over Ukraine. Our size and location allow us to source and recruit the needed number of candidates quickly and we will also be able to scale your project if needed. Our rigorous QA processes ensure that all of the benchmarks and KPIs are met and we are providing the top-notch quality that you expect. Contact us for more information on how we can help you. 


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