5 Ways Technology Will Affect the Future of Customer Support

Category: Customer Care

Published date: 17.02.2021

Read time: 7 min

Customer support technologies have come a long way over the past ten years. In addition to all of the messaging apps and social media platforms, we are now seeing the development of chatbots that can intelligently interact with humans. All of these communication channels are changing the everyday lives of support agents and companies that employ them. This includes everything from learning to use all of the new technologies and having the human resource on hand to support all of these new channels. Since new technologies are constantly being released, let’s take a look at how they will impact the customer support sector and how Mindy Support can help you take advantage of them.

1. Increase Face-to-Face Interaction 

Eye to eye contact is very powerful and customers will start demanding that more and more companies offer such type of support services. This includes using Zoom for live support or tools like Loom for recording video voicemails. Face-to-Face interaction is also beneficial for companies since it is a more personal means of communication and will help them build stronger relationships with their customers.

2. Customers Will Expect Omni-Channel Support

Customers are looking for many different means of contacting your business and if you are not supporting certain channels, you could be adding to their aggravation. One of the problems many businesses have to deal with is the lack of human resources to cover all of these channels. Mindy Support can help you service all of the communication channels you need, provide support in languages other than English and cover almost any time-zone your customers are located in.

3. Real-Time Messaging Will Outpace E-mail

While there will always be certain customers who will contact you via email, a greater percentage of people will prefer real-time assistance. Facebook Messenger has been a real trailblazer in this regard since, in addition to actually communicating with agents, customers can also see certain support metrics, such as average response times. If that responsiveness is poor, it could really hurt your standing with the customers. 

4. Remote Work is Here to Stay

Due to the ongoing adaptive quarantine in many countries around the world, not only are your customers working from home, but your support representatives will also have to work remotely. This presents many challenges for both businesses and employees since in addition to providing your support agents with all of the tools they need, they will also require better training. They will not be able to walk over to someone else’s desk and ask them for assistance like they once could when everybody was in the office so it is important that your agents are knowledgeable and there is a knowledge base where they can find answers to commonly asked questions.

5. AI Chatbots Will Assist Humans, Not Replace Them

Since the latest AI chatbots can hold a conversation with customers, retrieve information quickly, and are available 24/7, they will still not be able to replace human customer support representatives. Chatbots can also be useful in showing your customers that you are adopting new technologies and can be useful for people who prefer self-service, but humans offer a totally different experience. A lot of times customers call in just to vent their frustration and they are looking to speak with a human who can show empathy.

6. The Rise of Predictive Customer Service

As artificial intelligence continues to advance, predictive analytics is becoming a game-changer in customer support. By analyzing historical data and identifying patterns, companies can anticipate customer needs and proactively address issues before they escalate. For example, if data shows that a customer frequently encounters issues with a particular product feature, support teams can reach out with helpful information or solutions before the customer even contacts them. This proactive approach not only improves customer satisfaction but also reduces the volume of incoming support requests.

7. The Integration of Augmented Reality (AR) in Support

Augmented Reality (AR) is making waves in customer support by providing interactive, visual solutions to problems. AR allows support agents to guide customers through complex processes with real-time, overlaid instructions. For instance, if a customer is having trouble assembling a product, an AR application can display step-by-step instructions over the actual product, making it easier for the customer to follow along. This technology enhances the support experience by bridging the gap between virtual and physical interactions.

8. The Importance of Personalization in Support

Personalization is becoming increasingly crucial in customer support. Modern customers expect tailored interactions rather than generic responses. Leveraging data from past interactions and customer profiles, companies can provide customized support that addresses individual needs and preferences. For instance, a support agent who knows a customer’s previous issues can offer solutions more relevant to their situation, creating a more engaging and effective support experience. Personalization not only improves customer satisfaction but also fosters long-term loyalty.

Mindy Support Provides Comprehensive Customer Support Services

Whether you are looking to extend your current in-house customer support team or launch an entirely new one, Mindy Support can assemble a team for you that will have all of the above qualities and any additional ones you require. We are one of the largest BPO providers in Eastern Europe with more than 2,000 employees in six locations all over Ukraine. Our size and location allow us to source and recruit top-quality candidates quickly and we can also scale your team without sacrificing the quality of the support. Contact us today to learn about how we can help you.


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