Helping Our Client Democratize Conversational AI

Services provided: AI

Published date: 19.03.2021

Read time: 2 min

Client Profile

Industry: Technology services
Location: USA
Size: 50-100 employees

Company Bio

The client offers AI-assisted on-demand customer experience management for productivity tools. They take advantage of Transformers and GPT and NLG models to build an end-end Customer Experience Management platform that is self-discovering, self-training and self-maintaining.


The client was looking to leverage conversational intelligence AI to eliminate tedious, manual work for quick ROI on your automation strategy

Business Problem

The client was looking to hire a team of annotators who would generate examples of dialogues potential customers may have with chatbots and annotated the texts that were created. The dialogues needed to be from a wide variety of industries including insurance, banking, logistics e-commerce and general customer support. 

After each dialogue was created, it needed to be labeled with the necessary topic, the type of inquiry and whether the inquiry was properly resolved. 

Solutions Provided by Mindy Support

Mindy Support assembled a team of 100 data annotators to create the needed number of dialogues. We also created the labeling system used to categorize the dialogue which also helped prevent generating duplicate dialogues. In total, we created more than 20,000 dialogues on 120 different inquiry topics across 5 industries. This was challenging not only because of the large quantity of dialogues that needed to be generated, but each one also needed to be in accordance with the client’s requirements. The project is still in progress and we continue to generate new dialogues to be used as training datasets every day.

Benefits Delivered to the Client

Thanks to the services provided by Mindy Support, the client was able to keep the costs of the project under control and achieve significant savings on overhead costs. We also helped the client keep the project on schedule by creating such massive amounts of dialogues quickly and providing high-quality annotation services as well. 



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        We have a minimum threshold for starting any new project, which is 735 productive man-hours a month (equivalent to 5 graphic annotators working on the task monthly).


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