Forming a Team of Social Media Analysts for a Recruiting Company

Services provided: Tech Support & Help Desk

Published date: 05.06.2024

Read time: 3 min

Client Profile

INDUSTRY: Recruiting and Hiring
HQ: California, US

Company Bio

Customer´s company makes hiring people easy with its online screening tool. Using advanced AI technology, it checks 10,000 public online sources, helping companies, agencies, and investors avoid workplace issues, reduce legal risks, and improve overall hiring quality.


Mindy Support built a team of professional social media analysts to do candidate check-ups, improved quality-checking process, and got recognition from the client, leading to a major team expansion.

Challenge – Forming a Team of Social Media Analysts

Our main challenge was to form a team of social media analysts with a deep understanding of the USA region. Our agents had to be good with CRMs and to understand different cultures, movements and groups to detect behavioral models for comprehensive candidate check-ups, according to our client’s specifications.


To ensure Mindy Support selected the perfect candidates for our client – we gave them a test to review the last 7 years of posts on a specific topic and report content based on our client’s criteria. This way we created a team of experienced professionals that met clients standards. They had social media expertise, excellent English skills, and knew about American culture and trends.

At the same time, we eliminated unnecessary error types causing inconsistencies to improve the clarity of the quality-checking process. The aim was to make the process more transparent and efficient.

Additionally, we implemented a gradual goal-setting approach, by increasing monthly QA targets to ensure a steady improvement in our services. This ensured a continual improvement in our services. Collaborating with QA specialists, we developed a scorecard aligned with the client’s guidelines for precise quality assessment.


  • Formed a skilled team of 5 social media analysts from 4 different countries with a deep understanding of the USA region and matching the culture of the client.
  • Improved the clarity of the quality-checking process
  • Implemented a gradual goal-setting approach
  • Received acknowledgment from the client – Recognizing our dedication to quality, the client provided additional opportunities for our agents, enabling them to explore new roles.
  • Facilitated a significant clients expansion – Expressing confidence in our capabilities, the client plans a substantial expansion, with a fourfold increase in the number of agents within the first two quarters of this year.
  • Promoted a new dedicated team leader – We chose one of former expert agents to become a team leader, and provided her with additional training. She became an expert in every process and aspect of the project to train the team efficiently.
  • Strengthened client relationships – Additional training sessions, where agents learned to use our client’s tools, tips, profile-finding techniques, and gained insights into American culture and slang. This ensured they were well-prepared to deliver exceptional performance for our clients, strengthening our relationships.


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        We have a minimum threshold for starting any new project, which is 735 productive man-hours a month (equivalent to 5 graphic annotators working on the task monthly).


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