Enhancing Retail Security: How Advanced Data Annotation Improved Theft Prevention and Operational Efficiency

Services provided: Video Annotation

Published date: 13.09.2024

Read time: 4 min

Client Profile

Industry: Information Technology

Location: USA

Size: 1,000 – 5,000 employees

Company Bio

The client is a cutting-edge security technology company that specializes in providing innovative, cloud-based video surveillance and access control solutions. They leverage advanced AI and machine learning technologies to deliver scalable and user-friendly security systems to offer real-time monitoring, intuitive analytics, and seamless integration with existing infrastructure, making it easier for organizations to enhance their security measures and operational efficiency.

Services Provided:

Project Overview

Mindy Support significantly enhanced our client’s video surveillance system by meticulously annotating 10,000 video clips, where we precisely placed 2D bounding boxes around individuals to ensure accurate identification. In addition to this, we labeled instances of suspicious activity to provide a clear and actionable overview of potential security threats. This detailed annotation process not only improved the system’s ability to detect and analyze unusual behavior but also streamlined the client’s ability to monitor and respond to security incidents in real-time. Our work has ultimately enabled a more robust and efficient surveillance setup, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the client’s security operations.

Business Problem

The main customers of the client were facing a significant challenge with theft in their retail stores, despite having implemented various security measures. To address this issue, they were looking to create a solution that would enhance their theft prevention capabilities through advanced computer vision algorithms. The project involved annotating extensive volumes of video footage from these retail environments. The client needed a skilled annotation team to label objects, activities, and events pertinent to theft prevention, such as tracking individuals entering and exiting stores, identifying suspicious behavior, and monitoring interactions with products. This detailed annotation process was crucial for refining and training the computer vision systems, aiming to improve their effectiveness in detecting and preventing theft.

Why Mindy Support

The client chose Mindy Support because of our reputation as a leading data annotation outsourcing provider with extensive expertise in delivering high-quality annotated datasets for the retail and e-commerce industries. Our tailored data annotation services are designed to meet the unique requirements of each project, ensuring that the annotated data aligns seamlessly with the client’s computer vision objectives. Our scalable infrastructure enables us to manage large-scale data annotation projects efficiently, adhering to tight deadlines and maintaining exceptional quality throughout the process. This combination of specialized knowledge, customization, and operational efficiency made us the ideal partner for their needs.

Solutions Delivered to the Client

We took on the complex task of annotating 10,000 video clips for the client, which involved selecting individuals within bounding boxes and categorizing their actions as either normal or suspicious. The video footage, captured in retail stores, presented significant challenges due to varying lighting conditions, diverse object appearances, and multiple camera angles. Additionally, objects in the videos were often partially or fully occluded, complicating the annotation process. To tackle these issues, we utilized the client’s annotation tool and meticulously followed their QA standards, achieving over 98% quality in our initial round of annotations. We also enhanced annotator productivity by suggesting improvements to the production process, streamlining workflows, and increasing efficiency.

The successful delivery of these high-quality annotated datasets played a crucial role in training robust computer vision models for the client. The annotated data was integral in developing a highly accurate computer vision system capable of real-time detection of potential theft incidents. As a result, our client’s customers were able to significantly enhance their theft prevention capabilities, leading to notable reductions in losses and improved operational efficiency in their retail environments.

Key Results

  • 10,000 video clips annotated and labeled 
  • 98%+ quality rate


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        We have a minimum threshold for starting any new project, which is 735 productive man-hours a month (equivalent to 5 graphic annotators working on the task monthly).


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