5 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Sales Teams

Category: Back - Office Services

Published date: 13.01.2021

Read time: 6 min

When people hear the term “outsourcing” sales is one of the last things that comes to mind. However, outsourcing sales projects should be a part of every sales leader’s playbook, but, very often, it gets overlooked. This is a very effective strategy to help you hit your numbers, reach your revenue goals, and can serve as a core part of your sales strategy. This is why we decided to tell you about the top five benefits of sales outsourcing that can help you overcome some of the challenges that you may be experiencing.

Capitalize on Opportunities Faster

If your company is trying to seize a market opportunity, drive product introduction, or reactivate a dormant group of customers, a good outsourcing provider can help you get this done a lot quicker. This is because outsourcing companies can assemble sales teams faster. Even if your company decides that it will expand its current sales team or set up a new one, there are still a lot of processes and steps that need to be taken. You need to view resumes, make screening calls, conduct interviews, and many other processes. In fact, the average length of the hiring process in the US is 23 days, according to Glassdoor Economic Research. So if it takes you 23 days just to fill one vacancy, imagine how long it will take to hire an entire team. 

A good company will be able to launch a full sales team within a couple of months. At Mindy Support, we already have the necessary human resources to get your team up and running within a month. We will recruit the necessary amount of candidates and set up all of the processes since we have extensive experience assembling sales teams. 

Increased Scaling Speed 

If you are looking to scale your business, outsourcing your sales team could provide you with options that you don’t have today. Hiring new employees is very resource and time-intensive. In addition to the recruitment processes we mentioned earlier, you also need to think about training and overhead costs like office space and equipment procurement. This is why for a lot of startups and small businesses, hiring an in-house sales team may not be an option. When you set up an offshore sales team, you are giving yourself those options back. Keep in mind, that this applies to scaling down a sales team as well. A good outsourcing provider will be able to scale down a team just as fast as they can hire one. 

Better Focus 

In a lot of companies, sales professionals have many different things they are responsible for. For example, they may need to manage current accounts, cold calling or even cleaning out the CRM. When we talk to companies looking to hire an offshore team, a lot of them tell us that they want their current employees to focus on a new initiative or a new go-to-market strategy but they just can’t make that happen because of the amount of work. When you hire an offshore team, they will be focused on one particular mission which in turn will yield better results. Also, since this will take a lot of the work off your in-house teams, they will be more productive as well.

Adapt to New Tools a Lot Quicker 

If you currently use a particular CRM or other sales automation tools, outsourced teams will be able to adapt to those tools a lot quicker. Good outsourcing providers will already have experienced sales professionals who already used a particular tool in the past. Even if somebody never used it, they will have a knowledge base available that will contain answers to some of the most frequent issues and there will always be somebody to help them. With outsourcing, you get tool adaptation in days or weeks instead of months and years. 

Better ROI 

When calculating the ROI, you have to look at things like the cost of the services, revenue, and value that it brings to your organization. When people think about outsourcing, the first thing that comes to mind is lower labor costs. While it is true that employee salaries are a lot lower overseas, you also have to consider all of the opportunity costs that come with activating dormant customers, seizing a new market share, and other sales activities, the ROI of outsourcing is fairly attractive. 

Mindy Support Provides Comprehensive Sales Team Outsourcing Services 

If you are looking to set up an offshore sales team, Mindy Support can handle the entire process for you. All you have to do is tell us the requirements and we will take care of the rest. We are one of the largest BPO providers in Eastern Europe with more than 2,000 employees in six locations all over Ukraine. Our size and location allow us to source and recruit the needed number of candidates quickly and we will be able to scale your team without sacrificing the quality of the services provided. 


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