Back-office Support: What Can You Outsource?

Category: Back - Office Services

Published date: 07.05.2020

Read time: 6 min

Outsourcing your back-office tasks can save you a lot of time and hassle while improving the overall quality of your business operations. Having a reliable outsourcing partner will allow you to receive even more benefits because they will be able to set up all of the processes for you and be responsible for getting all of the tasks done on time. There are many back-office jobs that you can outsource, but let’s take a look at the most common ones.

Back-office support

1. Data Entry

While entering data into your computer system might be a low-level job, it is vital for the overall operation of the business. If the data is inputted incorrectly, you will not have the correct understanding of a particular situation and you will not be able to make the right decisions. Outsourcing data entry makes sense from any angle you look at it.

First of all, your in-house staff will not have to spend time on such low-level tasks and can focus their attention on their core business functions. Also, the outsourcing provider will be able to find and recruit the most detail-oriented candidates whose sole job will be to accurately input the data. The outsourcing company will also be responsible for training the personnel that you hire and making sure they abide by all of the standards. All you have to do is provide the requirements and the service provider will take it from there.

2. Customer Support

Now, more than ever, customer support teams are being stretched thin. Since the brick and mortar stores are transitioning to e-commerce, they need people to handle customer inquiries. If your in-house staff is overworked and cannot effectively handle the volume of incoming calls, chats or messages, outsourcing can be a great solution for you. The job description and the candidate requirements will be completely up to you which means that your offshore team will simply be an extension of the team you have in the office.

Mindy Support has experience implementing a wide range of customer support projects. Since we have more than 2,000 employees and counting, we are able to take on even the most sizable project right away by shifting around resources internally. Also, our location in Ukraine allows us to find qualified candidates quickly since there is a vast talent pool to choose from.

3. Tech Support

A lot of C-suite executives in small and medium-sized businesses are wearing many different hats i.e., on the one hand, they have a high position like CTO or VP of engineering, yet they also have to provide customers with tech support because there is no one else to do it. Fortunately, such tasks can be outsourced as well.

When outsourcing your tech support, keep in mind that you can outsource certain types or levels of support. For example, you may choose to outsource the type of tech support that simply requires product education. In other words, a customer calls in and is having difficulty with a certain function. The tech support agent will explain how the entire system works and why they are experiencing difficulties. If a certain problem requires escalation, you can allow the offshore team to handle it as well or take care of it yourself.

4. Human Resources

Companies are always looking for qualified candidates to fill vacancies, but calling and prescreening hundreds of people is very time-consuming. What a lot of companies do is hire an offshore team to handle the prescreening and even first round of the interview process and then pick it up from there if they like the candidate. This is also a very cost-effective solution for SMEs who are not ready to hire a permanent HR team in-house.

5. Marketing and Sales

Hiring a dedicated sales and marketing team in-house can be expensive for companies especially if they are just starting out. Moreover, sometimes you just need to have certain time-consuming tasks done such as organizing the CRM, making pre-sales phone calls and other jobs that do not require certain expertise. You can outsource everything from specific jobs to entire departments as long as the service providers can properly fill the necessary positions.

Become More Efficient Today

Outsourcing your back office jobs can provide you with a word of benefits. Imagine being more efficient and productive while cutting costs in the process. You will have complete control over the people that you hire which means that the offshore team will be just as qualified as the one you have now. Furthermore, they will be able to cover time zones beyond your working hours allowing you to better serve your customers.

Posted by Il’ya Dudkin


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