Translating and Annotating 5000 Pages of Text and Exceeding Client Expectations

Services provided: Text Annotation

Published date: 18.03.2024

Read time: 4 min

Client Profile

Industry: IT Services 

Location: Germany 

Size: 51–200 employees

Company Bio

The client is a leading provider of comprehensive IT services, offering innovative solutions to businesses of all sizes across various industries. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on client satisfaction, the client has established themselves as a trusted partner in the rapidly evolving technology landscape.

Services Provided

Data annotation: Text Annotation

Project Overview

Mindy Support provided a highly accurate translation of the client’s Conduct of Business documents from English to German. The translation retained the basic meaning of the statements and was modified, where needed, for better understanding by the end user. In addition, we also provided text annotation services. Due to the sensitive nature of the documents, strict confidentiality was maintained throughout the project.

Business Problem

The client was training an ML model to accurately recognize and translate texts and had a sizable training dataset of 100 documents (5000 pages). The problem was that all of these documents were in English and needed to be translated into German. In addition to performing the translation, the client needed to maintain the basic meaning of the texts while modifying some parts, as needed, for better understanding. 

Since the texts would be used to train an ML model, they needed to be annotated with various text annotation methods. The entire scope of the work, both translation and text annotation, needed to be translated within a strict time frame of two months, and the translators needed to have native proficiency in both English and German to translate the documents properly.

Why Mindy Support

Mindy Support had already successfully actualized several data annotation projects for the client in the past with a high rate of satisfaction by the client. In those projects, the client experienced seamless collaboration, rapid turnaround times, and cost-effective solutions tailored to their unique needs. Over the course of our relationship, Mindy Support has proven that it can scale annotation teams quickly without sacrificing the quality level. This is exactly what the client was looking for in this case. Our track record of excellence and commitment to exceeding expectations, stood out to the client in delivering unparalleled service.

Solutions Delivered to the Client

Mindy Support assembled a team of 15 full-time data annotators to work on this project. Each of the annotators has achieved a level of advanced proficiency in both German and English. Since our team had such a high skill level in both languages, we were able to translate the entire set of documents in a matter of weeks. 

The data annotation team also had significant experience with text annotation forOCR and other projects. The text annotation service we provided included sentiment annotation, intent annotation, named entity recognition, and many others. We also had a complex quality assurance process in place to make sure that all the work was done right the first time. 

In the end, we were able to surpass the client’s expectations and get all the work done before the deadline. We also achieved a 99%+ quality score on both the translation part of the task and the text annotation. 

Key Results

  • Sourced and recruited 15 full-time translators and data annotators 
  • 5000 pages of text translated and annotated 
  • 99%+ quality score


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        We have a minimum threshold for starting any new project, which is 735 productive man-hours a month (equivalent to 5 graphic annotators working on the task monthly).


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